
At Holy Spirit School:
We are kind
We are inclusive
We are respectful
We are learners
Holy Spirit School has a whole school approach to supporting the wellbeing of all students and uses a wide range of strategies to support the social and emotional learning of students.
School Wide Positive Behaviour Matrix: At Holy Spirit School we have one set of clear expectations across the whole School. These expectations come directly from our school vision statement and apply to everyone in our school community – students, staff, parents and visitors. We explicitly unpack these expectations with our students to ensure they know what is expected of them at our school and celebrate students who both exemplify and actively learn these expectations. Our aim in doing this is to ensure children understand how they are successful at our school and build up their connectedness. We use Behaviour Flow Charts and self regulation strategies to manage behaviour which is not in line with our School Expectations.
Explicit Social and Emotional Learning lessons: The Wellbeing Scope and Sequence at Holy Spirit School has been designed around supporting the development of our students’ social, emotional and positive relationship skills. We utilise a variety of Social and Emotional curriculum materials such as Bounce Back, Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships and Berry Street to support the teaching of the units within our scope and sequence.
Practising Gratitude and Christian Meditation: Our students practice gratitude and Christian meditation at school. Classroom teachers create calm reflective opportunities for Christian meditation daily and the practice of gratitude is explicitly incorporated throughout the school day. A simple example of this is asking children to name something that went well for them that day.
Restorative Conversations: Holy Spirit School staff use Restorative conversations when speaking to students about behaviour and incidents. The emphasis on is repairing relationships, forgiveness and opportunities for learning rather than ‘being in trouble.’ Restorative conversations allow the teacher to demonstrate empathy, teach children how to resolve conflict, and most importantly, allow students to have a voice.
Our Wellbeing program is well supported and made further visible by the following elements:
Circle Time
Learning Celebrations
Playground awards
Student Leaders program
Prep & Y6 Buddies practice
School Counsellor
Play-based Therapist