School Community

At Holy Spirit we focus on supporting and celebrating students who actively live out our school vision. Our approach to supporting student behaviour encompasses a variety of strategies, including Restorative Practices, with an emphasis on forgiveness and opportunities for learning.
Our School Expectations are: we are kind, we are inclusive, we are respectful and we are learners.
We have a number of platforms that we use to communicate with our families. We use these platforms to celebrate the achievements of our students. Seesaw, is an app used by the school, to capture and reflect on student learning and share with parents- in real time. Alongside Seesaw the school uses Facebook, the Parent Portal (PAM) and the school Newsletter to communicate and celebrate important events and achievements.
Learning Celebrations and Family Group Activities
Learning Celebrations are held at the end of each term and hosted by a ‘year level team.’ The purpose of the celebrations is for the students to showcase and share their learning with their family. Throughout the year there will also be a number of family group activities organised. These are opportunities for parents and other special family members to come in and learn with their child/ren in family groups. We love seeing these events well attended and know that the children do too!
Parents and Friends Committee and Class Parent Reps
All parents are welcome to be part of the Parents and Friends Committee. Meetings are held each term. Upcoming meetings are advertised in the newsletter and on PAM and everyone is most welcome to attend.
Each class will have a Parent Class Representative. The “Parent Reps” will send out an email early in Term 1 to introduce themselves and their role. We thank them for their commitment and feel positive this will become a valued role within our school.
Playground Awards
Playground awards were conceptualised by our Student Leaders and are a way to reward students who are visibly enacting our School Expectations: we are kind, we are inclusive, we are respectful and we are learners. A playground award is seen as an important achievement at Holy Spirit school.
Wellbeing Hub
The Wellbeing Hub offers a quiet retreat for our students who may be experiencing sadness, an unsettling event or who just need some downtime. It is a pleasant space that has proven to be appreciated by both our students and staff.